Biblioteca civica di Merano, Biblioteca di Sinigo

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× Data 2018
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× Livello lingua B1

Trovati 96 documenti.

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PONS Grammatik kurz & bündig Italiensch von Maria Teresa Arbia ; Neubearb. von Joachim Neubold ..

Arbia, Maria Teresa

PONS Grammatik kurz & bündig Italiensch : Niveau A1 - B2 / von Maria Teresa Arbia ; Neubearb. von Joachim Neubold ..

1. Aufl

Stuttgart : PONS, 2020

Grammatiktrainer Deutsch Christian Fandrych, Ulrike Tallowitz

Fandrych, Christian

Grammatiktrainer Deutsch : Grundstufe / Christian Fandrych, Ulrike Tallowitz

Stuttgart : Pons, 2009

Una grammatica italiana per tutti Alessandro Latino, Marida Muscolino

Latino, Alessandro

Una grammatica italiana per tutti : regole d'uso, esercizi e chiavi per studenti stranieri : volume secondo: livello intermedio / Alessandro Latino, Marida Muscolino

Atene : Edilingua, 2005

Strangers on a train Patricia Highsmith ; retold by Michael Nation

Nation, Michael

Strangers on a train [Medienkombination] / Patricia Highsmith ; retold by Michael Nation

Harlow : Pearson Education, 2008

Pearson English readers. Level 4

Emma Jane Austen ; retold by Annette Barnes

Barnes, Annette

Emma / Jane Austen ; retold by Annette Barnes

Harlow : Pearson Education, 2008

Pearson English readers. Level 4

Abstract: Emma Woodhouse is beautiful, clever and rich. She likes to arrange marriages between her friends and neighbours in the village of Highbury. But Emma makes a lot of mistakes and causes more problems than happy marriages. Then she almost loses her own chance of love.

Kompaktgrammatik Deutsch als Fremdsprache Hermann Funk, Michael Koenig, Lutz Rohrmann

Funk, Hermann

Kompaktgrammatik Deutsch als Fremdsprache : zum schnellen Nachschlagen / Hermann Funk, Michael Koenig, Lutz Rohrmann

1. Aufl., 1. Dr.

Berlin : Cornelsen, 2010

Lex:tra [Cornelsen]

Satz für Satz Französisch von Justyna Hołosyniuk

Hołosyniuk, Justyna

Satz für Satz Französisch : Alltagssituationen meistern mit der Übersetzungs-Methode / von Justyna Hołosyniuk

1. Aufl

Stuttgart : PONS, 2022

Abstract: Französisch sprechen lernen in Alltagssituationen Gewinnen Sie Selbstvertrauen im täglichen Umgang mit der französischen Sprache. Übersetzen Sie authentische, lebendige Sätze aus dem Alltag, wie z. B. im Hotel, im Museum, im Kino, im Supermarkt, bei der Polizei, im Taxi und viele viele mehr … Zusätzliche Tipps und Wortschatz helfen beim Übersetzen. À vous de jouer ! In jedem Kapitel gibt es Anregungen, wie man das Erlernte üben kann.

Corso di ebraico contemporaneo Olivier Durand, Dario Burgaretta

Durand, Olivier

Corso di ebraico contemporaneo / Olivier Durand, Dario Burgaretta

Milano : Hoepli, 2013

Collana di studi orientali [Hoepli]

Wortschatz & Grammatik B1 Anneli Billina ; Lilli Marlen Brill ; Marion Techmer

Billina, Anneli

Wortschatz & Grammatik B1 / Anneli Billina ; Lilli Marlen Brill ; Marion Techmer

1. Aufl

Ismaning : Hueber, 2014

Deutsch üben

The Night manager John Le Carré ; retold by Anna Trewin

Le Carré, John

The Night manager / John Le Carré ; retold by Anna Trewin

New ed.

Harlow : Pearson Education, 2020

Penguin readers. Level 5

Abstract: Jonathan Pine is the Night Manager of a hotel in Egypt. When he is shown some secret information, he passes it to a man in the British government. But things go wrong and the woman he loves dies. Pine is very angry and agrees to work with others to catch Richard Roper - the "worst man in the world".

Böses Erwachen in Heidelberg Stefanie Wülfing

Wülfling, Stefanie

Böses Erwachen in Heidelberg : Deutsch als Fremdsprache ; A2+B1 / Stefanie Wülfing

Stuttgart : Klett, 2014

Tatort DaF

Abstract: Auf ihrer Fahrt nach Stuttgart bleibt Emma Mörk bei starkem Schneefall mit ihrem Zug in Heidelberg liegen. Der Zwischenstopp führt sie in die historische Innenstadt und hinauf zur Schlossruine. Dort oben befällt sie Unbehagen, sie fühlt sich verfolgt und alles verwandelt sich in einen Alptraum.

Otto giorni con Montalbano Andrea Camilleri ; a cura di: Lisbeth Thybo

Camilleri, Andrea

Otto giorni con Montalbano : (un mese con Montalbano) / Andrea Camilleri ; a cura di: Lisbeth Thybo

Copenhagen : Egmont, c1986

Easy readers = Facili da leggere : C

Abstract: Il commissario Montalbano deve affrontare un mondo pieno di violenze, delitti d'amore, d'interesse, di mafia alla ricerca di una possibile quistizia, cosa che fa con grande intelligenza e logica ma anche con una grande carica di umorismo e umanità

The American river David Morrison

Morrison, David

The American river / David Morrison

Stuttgart : Delta Publishing, 2022 : Klett

Delta ; Level 9 : Escape adventures

Abstract: On your birthday, you find yourself trapped in an abandoned hotel in a deserted 1850's Californian Gold Rush town on the majestic American River. At first, nothing makes sense, and you need to figure out what is going on. As you try to solve the enigmas you are faced with on your mission to escape, you'll encounter a range of curious characters.

The street lawyer John Grisham ; retold by Michael Dean

Maule, David

The street lawyer [Medienkombination] / John Grisham ; retold by Michael Dean

Harlow : Pearson Education, 2007

Pearson English active readers. Level 4

Abstract: Michael is a successful lawyer with Drake and Sweeney. Then a homeless man attacks him. As Michael tries to discover who the man was, he uncovers a dangerous secret about Drake and Sweeney.

Heart of Darkness Joseph Conrad ; [adapted by David A. Hill]

Conrad, Joseph

Heart of Darkness [Medienkombination] [Medienkombination] / Joseph Conrad ; [adapted by David A. Hill]

Rum : Helbling languages, 2013

Helbling readers [Helbling languages]. Blue series, Classics, level 5

Abstract: When Marlow, an experienced sailor, goes to Africa as the captain of a steamboat on the Congo River, the journey has a profound effect on him. As Marlow sails further don the river and into the heart of the African continent to bring back ivory and a brilliant but mysterious agent called Mr Kurz, he feels he is travelling further and further in the heart of darkness.

Bridget Jones's diary Helen Fielding ; retold by Anne Collins

Fielding, Helen

Bridget Jones's diary / Helen Fielding ; retold by Anne Collins

Oxford : Macmillan Heinemann ELT, 2009

Macmillan readers. Intermediate level

Abstract: Helen Fiedling's story of the loveable Bridget and her troubles with men, weight and wine, was made internationally famous by the film.

Le portable noir et autres récits Jean Molla ; Vocabulaire par Nicolas Wittorski

Molla, Jean

Le portable noir et autres récits / Jean Molla ; Vocabulaire par Nicolas Wittorski

1. Aufl

Stuttgart : Klett Sprachen, 2009

Collection frisson. Lernjahr 4/5

Famous women in business David Evans

Evans, David

Famous women in business / David Evans

Harlow : Pearson Education, 2009

Pearson English readers. Level 4

Abstract: At the beginning of the twentieth century, the idea of women in business seemed strange. Today more and more women are reaching the top of business life. This book tells the business success stories of five very different women: Coco Chanel, Hanae Mori, Anita Roddick, Oprah Winfrey and Madonna.

The Skye's the limit von Dominic Butler

Butler, Dominic

The Skye's the limit : 20 landestypische Kurzgeschichten zum Englischlernen / von Dominic Butler

Stuttgart : PONS, 2016

Pons Lektüre in Bildern - Englisch. Niveau B1-B2

The picture of Dorian Gray retold by Kieran Mc Govern

Wilde, Oscar

The picture of Dorian Gray [Medienkombination] : Oscar Wilde / retold by Kieran Mc Govern

Harlow : Pearsons Education, 2008

Penguin readers. Level 4

Abstract: An artist paints a picture of the young and handsome Dorian Gray. When he sees it, Dorian makes a wish that changes his life. As he grows older, his face stays young and handsome. But the picture changes. Why can’t Dorian show it to anybody? What is its terrible secret?