Biblioteca civica di Merano, Biblioteca di Sinigo

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× Data 2016
× Lingue Inglese

Trovati 40 documenti.

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Sei vie per Santiago produttore: Sally Bentley ; prodotto e diretto da Lydia B. Smith
Videoregistrazioni: DVD

Sei vie per Santiago [Videoregistrazione] : Walking the camino / produttore: Sally Bentley ; prodotto e diretto da Lydia B. Smith

Campi Bisenzio : Cecchi Gori Entertainment, 2016

Biblioteca Collocazione Prestabilità Stato
Bolzano - Centro Audiovisivi Scaffale aperto
Prestabile 7 gg.Copia disponibile
Bolzano - Centro Audiovisivi Scaffale aperto
Prestabile 7 gg.Copia disponibile
Bolzano - Biblioteca Succursale FirmianSala Lettura
Prestabile 7 gg.Copia disponibile
Merano - Biblioteca CivicaScaffale aperto
N Sei
Prestabile 7 gg.Copia disponibile
Bolzano - Biblioteca specialistica Culture del MondoScaffale aperto
Prestabile 7 gg.Copia disponibile
Sinigo - BibliotecaSuccursale Sinigo
N Sei
Prestabile 7 gg.Copia disponibile

Abstract: Per molti secoli, la gente ha viaggiato dal nord della Spagna lungo il "Cammino di Santiago" come pellegrini alla ricerca di una propria crescita spirituale e interiore. Non è assolutamente un'impresa semplice e nonostante questo solo nel 2010 più di 270.000 persone hanno tentato questo arduo, ma meraviglioso cammino di cinquecento miglia. Il film segue da vicino un gruppo di persone che affrontano il "Cammino", ognuno con le proprie ragioni, motivazioni e aspettative,Leggi tutto

Moby Dick Herman Melville ; [riduzione e adattamento: Margherita Giromini]

Giromini, Margherita

Moby Dick / Herman Melville ; [riduzione e adattamento: Margherita Giromini]

Firenze [etc.] : Giunti junior, c2016

Scuola d'inglese [Giunti junior]. 2. livello

Abstract: Classici inglesi in inglese, per giovani studenti desiderosi di allenarsi in questa lingua, con testi piacevoli alla lettura, ridotti per renderli più facili, completati dal dizionario delle parole difficili e dalla traduzione in italiano del testo. Sono corredati da un CD per apprendere in modo ancora più semplice la pronuncia delle parole. (

Small great things Jodi Picoult

Picoult, Jodi

Small great things / Jodi Picoult

London : Hodder and Stoughton, 2016

Abstract: When a newborn baby dies after a routine hospital procedure, there is no doubt about who will be held responsible: the nurse who had been banned from looking after him by his father. What the nurse, her lawyer and the father of the child cannot know is how this death will irrevocably change all of their lives, in ways both expected and not.

Moving forwards Elsa Barratt, Laura Mautone

Barratt, Elsa

Moving forwards : percorsi CLIL di storia / Elsa Barratt, Laura Mautone

Torino : Loescher, 2016

CLIL storia [Loescher]

Los Angeles

Los Angeles

Berlin : Gestalten, 2016

The Monocle travel guide series ; 16

Abstract: Los Angeles is known for its glitz and glam, beach colture, blockbuster studios and famous residents. But there's much more to this sprawling metropolis than perfect teeth and tanned aund taut bods (though near-perpetual good weather does offer plenty of opportunities to get physical outdoors). La La Land is a city budding with talent: it's a haven for artists and architects. top chefs, fresh designers and trendsetting retailers. Plus the upshot of all of that vitamin DLeggi tutto

A hard day's night regia: Richard Lester ; soggetto e sceneggiatura: Alan Owens
Videoregistrazioni: DVD

A hard day's night [Videoregistrazione] / regia: Richard Lester ; soggetto e sceneggiatura: Alan Owens

Milano : Koch Media, c2016

Abstract: Per sfuggire ai fans che li perseguitano, i Beatles disertano le prove di uno show televisivo e ne combinano di tuttii colori mentre Ringo vagabonda alla ricercando un po' di libertà

The legend of King Arthur riduzione e adattamento: Margherita Giromini

Giromini, Margherita

The legend of King Arthur / riduzione e adattamento: Margherita Giromini

Firenze [etc.] : Giunti junior, c2016

Scuola d'inglese [Giunti junior]. 2. livello

Abstract: Classici inglesi in inglese, per giovani studenti desiderosi di allenarsi in questa lingua, con testi piacevoli alla lettura, ridotti per renderli più facili, completati dal dizionario delle parole difficili e dalla traduzione in italiano del testo. Sono corredati da un CD per apprendere in modo ancora più semplice la pronuncia delle parole. (

Papà è connesso Philippe de Kemmeter

De Kemmeter, Philippe

Papà è connesso / Philippe de Kemmeter

San Dorligo della Valle : EL, c2016

Abstract: Se per caso incontrate un pinguino con un computer, niente paura: è il mio papà. Diciamo che ho un papà virtuale. (

Keep calm and carry on killing Caroline Simpson

Hamilton, Barry

Keep calm and carry on killing / Caroline Simpson

München : Compact-Verl., 2016

Lernkrimi classic : C1 - Compact-Lernkrimi

Biblioteca Collocazione Prestabilità Stato
Merano - Biblioteca CivicaScaffale aperto
Prestabile 30 gg.Copia disponibile

Abstract: Text teilw. dt., teilw. engl.

End of watch Stephen King

King, Stephen <1947- >

End of watch / Stephen King

London : Hodder, 2016

Abstract: Retired Detective Bill Hodges now runs a two-person firm called Finders Keepers with his partner Holly Gibney. They met in the wake of the 'Mercedes Massacre' when a queue of people was run down by the diabolical killer Brady Hartsfield. Brady is now confined to Room 217 of the Lakes Region Traumatic Brain Injury Clinic, in an unresponsive state. But all is not what it seems: the evidence suggests that Brady is somehow awake, and in possession of deadly new powers thatLeggi tutto

A few of the girls Maeve Binchy

Binchy, Maeve

A few of the girls / Maeve Binchy

London : Orion Books, 2016

Abstract: Maeve Binchy's bestselling novels not only tell wonderful stories, they also give an insight in to how Ireland has changed over the decades, and how people remain the same: they still fall in love, sometimes unsuitably; they still have hopes and dreams; they have deep, long-standing friendships, and some that fall apart. From her earliest writing to her most recent, Maeve's work has included wonderfully nostalgic pieces and also sharp, often witty writing which is insightful and topical.

No direction home: Bob Dylan a Martin Scorsese picture ; produced by Jeff Rosen .. [et al.] ; directed by Martin Scorsese
Videoregistrazioni: DVD

No direction home: Bob Dylan [Videoregistrazione] / a Martin Scorsese picture ; produced by Jeff Rosen .. [et al.] ; directed by Martin Scorsese

Beverly Hills : White Horse Pictures, c2016

Biblioteca Collocazione Prestabilità Stato
Merano - Biblioteca CivicaScaffale aperto
N Bob
Prestabile 7 gg.Copia disponibile

Abstract: Ritratto del celebre cantautore Bob Dylan con particolare riferimento agli anni della sua formazione artistica, dal 1961 al 1966. Il documentario è stato realizzato con immagini di repertorio e interviste più recenti e include materiale inedito e mai mostrato prima conservato presso i Bob Dylan Archives, o fornito dalle collezioni private di fan di tutto il mondo.. (

Das Grundschulwörterbuch von Ulrike Holzwarth-Raether, Angelika Neidthardt und Barbara Schneider-Zuschlag

Holzwarth-Raether, Ulrike

Das Grundschulwörterbuch : mit Bildwörterbuch Englisch, Französisch und Türkisch ; von A wie Astronautin bis Z wie Zeppelin / von Ulrike Holzwarth-Raether, Angelika Neidthardt und Barbara Schneider-Zuschlag

7., vollst.überarb. und erw. Aufl.

Berlin : Dudenverl, 2016

Abstract: Das Grundschulwörterbuch von Duden - unser beliebtes Standardwerk in Sachen Grundschulwortschatz! Vollständig überarbeitet und ergänzt, enthält dieser Band gut 11.500 Begriffe und bildet so den Wortschatz für die gesamte Grundschulzeit ab. Das Grundschulwörterbuch ermöglicht Kindern ab der 2. Klasse ein einfaches Nachschlagen und begleitet sie sicher beim Lernen und Schreiben schwieriger Wörter. Bunte Suchhilfen erleichtern das rasche Finden der Wörter von A-Z. Im AnhangLeggi tutto

Agatha Raisin and a spoonful of poison M. C. Beatpm

Beaton, M. C.

Agatha Raisin and a spoonful of poison / M. C. Beatpm

London : Constable, 2016

Abstract: Agatha Raisin's detective agency has become so successful that she decides to take time off for rest and relaxation. But as soon as she does, she remembers that when she does have time on her hands, she doesn't know what to do with it. So it doesn't take much for the vicar of a nearby village to persuade her to help publicise the church fete - especially when the event organiser, George Selby, turns out to be a handsome widower. Agatha brings out the crowds for the feteLeggi tutto

Eileen Ottessa Moshfegh

Moshfegh, Ottessa

Eileen / Ottessa Moshfegh

London : Penguin, 2016

Abstract: So here we are. My name was Eileen Dunlop. Now you know me. I was twenty-four years old then, and had a job that paid fifty-seven dollars a week as a kind of secretary at a private juvenile correctional facility for teenage boys. I think of it now as what it really was for all intents and purposes - a prison for boys. I will call it Moorehead. Delvin Moorehead was a terrible landlord I had years later, and so to use his name for such a place feels appropriate. In a week,Leggi tutto

Enjoy New York Angela Tomkinson ; Ill. by Simone Massoni

Tomkinson, Angela

Enjoy New York / Angela Tomkinson ; Ill. by Simone Massoni

Recanati : ELI, 2016

Teen readers. Stufe 2

Abstract: Enjoy New York nimmt Leser mit auf eine große Tour durch den Big Apple, eine der aufregendsten Städte der Welt. Was ist das höchste Gebäude New Yorks? Was machen die New Yorker in ihrer Freizeit? Was isst man dort? Oder welche berühmten Leute kommen aus New York? All diese Fragen beantwortet der reader und noch viele mehr über Menschen, Sehenswürdigkeiten und Eigenarten der Stadt, die niemals schläft. Enjoy New York!

Tales of crime and mystery Paul Maloney

Tales of crime and mystery / Paul Maloney

1. Aufl

Berlin : Cornelsen, 2016

The house at the edge of the night Catherine Banner

Banner, Catherine

The house at the edge of the night / Catherine Banner

London : Windmill Books, 2016

Abstract: On a tiny island off the coast of Italy, surrounded by the sound of the sea and the scent of bougainvillea, the Esposito family have been running the bar, the House at the Edge of Night, for generations. Over the course of a century, as the town is transformed by war, fascism, tourism and recession, the spirited Esposito women are determined to keep the doors to the bar open. It is, after all, the place where unexpected friendships are forged, betrayals are discovered andLeggi tutto

They do it with mirrors Agatha Christie

Christie, Agatha

They do it with mirrors / Agatha Christie

London : Harper Collins Publishers, 2016

Abstract: A man is shot at in a juvenile reform home - but someone else dies.. Miss Marple senses danger when she visits a friend living in a Victorian mansion which doubles as a rehabilitiation centre for delinquents. Her fears are confirmed when a youth fires a revolver at the administrator, Lewis Serrocold. Neither is injured. But a mysterious visitor, Mr Gilbrandsen, is less fortunate - shot dead simultaneously in another part of the building. Pure coincidence? Miss MarpleLeggi tutto

The underground railroad Colson Whitehead

Whitehead, Colson

The underground railroad / Colson Whitehead

New York : Anchor books, 2016

Abstract: Cora is a young slave on a cotton plantation in Georgia. An outcast even among her fellow Africans, she is on the cusp of womanhood--where greater pain awaits. And so when Caesar, a slave who has recently arrived from Virginia, urges her to join him on the Underground Railroad, she seizes the opportunity and escapes with him. In Colson Whitehead's ingenious conception, the Underground Railroad is no mere metaphor: engineers and conductors operate a secret network ofLeggi tutto