Titel / Autor: La vera storia di Jack lo squartatore [Videoregistrazione] / directed by the Hughes Brothers ; based on the graphic novel by Alan Moore and Eddie Campbell ; produced by Don Murphy and Jane Hamsher ; an Underworld Pictures, Don Murphy and Hamsher, Amy Robinson production ; a Hughes Brother film
Veröffentlichung: Milano : Twethieth Century Fox Home Entertainmen, c2006
Physische Beschreibung: 1 disco ottico elettronico (DVD), (117') : Color., son. ; 12 cm
Datum: 2006
Sprache: Italienisch
Land: Italy
Titelvarianten: La vera storia di Jack lo squartatore - From hell
Namen: Bowers, George
Namen: Campbell, Eddie
Namen: Childs, Martin
Namen: Deming, Peter
Namen: Depp, Johnny
Namen: Hamsher, Jane
Namen: Hayes, Terry
Namen: Holm, Ian
Namen: Hughes, Albert
Namen: Hughes, Allen
Namen: Jones, Trevor
Namen: Koci, Jindra
Namen: Lebental, Dan
Namen: Moore, Alan
Namen: Murphy, Don
Namen: Pozzessere, Heather Graham
Namen: Robinson, Amy
Namen: Yglesias, Rafael
Klassifizierung: 791.436 55 Cinema. Film su temi sociali (22)
Notiz: Lingue: italiano, inglese
Notiz: Sottotitoli:italiano, inglese
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URL: https://explora.myargo.bz/opac/detail/view/explora:catalog:998041512608896