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Gefunden 63 Dokumente.

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In english come lo diresti?


Hoyt, Phoebe

In english come lo diresti? : dialoghi realistici ed esercizi mirati per conversare in maniera spigliata e disinvolta / Phoebe Hoyt

Milano : Rizzoli, 2025

Activ english [Rizzoli]

Titel / Autor: In english come lo diresti? : dialoghi realistici ed esercizi mirati per conversare in maniera spigliata e disinvolta / Phoebe Hoyt

Veröffentlichung: Milano : Rizzoli, 2025

Physische Beschreibung: 268 p. ; 20 cm

Reihen: Activ english [Rizzoli]

ISBN: 9788817191166


Sprache: Englisch (Sprache des Textes, der Filmmusik usw.)

Land: Italy

  • Con QRcode per espansione online
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Abstract: Questo libro propone 21 dialoghi realistici che ti permettono di imparare a parlare un inglese autentico in tutte le occasioni. Grazie a esercizi mirati e ai dialoghi letti dall’autrice (che si ascoltano semplicemente inquadrando i QR code che troverai nel libro), potrai prendere confidenza con le espressioni di chi è madrelingua, imparerai a utilizzarle nei contesti giusti, acquisirai fiducia nel tuo inglese e potrai parlare bene in tutte le situazioni.

African Americans


African Americans : history, politics and culture / various athors ; herausgegeben von Susanne Heinz

Stuttgart : Klett Sprachen, 2020

The bigger picture

Titel / Autor: African Americans : history, politics and culture / various athors ; herausgegeben von Susanne Heinz

Veröffentlichung: Stuttgart : Klett Sprachen, 2020

Physische Beschreibung: 223 p. : graf. ; 20 cm

Reihen: The bigger picture

ISBN: 9783125800168


Sprache: Englisch (Sprache des Textes, der Filmmusik usw.)

Land: xx

African Americans
  • Scritti di vari
  • Con espansioni online
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English conversation


Yates, Jean

English conversation / Jean Yates

Premium 4. ed

New York [etc.] : McGraw-Hill, 2024

Practice makes perfect

Titel / Autor: English conversation / Jean Yates

Premium 4. ed

Veröffentlichung: New York [etc.] : McGraw-Hill, 2024

Physische Beschreibung: V, [3], 183 p. ; 28 cm

Reihen: Practice makes perfect

ISBN: 9781266002250


Sprache: Englisch (Sprache des Textes, der Filmmusik usw.)

Land: xx

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Mr Cat and the scary walk


Bozza, Michela.

Mr Cat and the scary walk / Michela Bozza & Sara Colombo.

Torrazza Piemonte : Amazon Italia Logistica, 2024.

TPR book

Titel / Autor: Mr Cat and the scary walk / Michela Bozza & Sara Colombo.

Veröffentlichung: Torrazza Piemonte : Amazon Italia Logistica, 2024.

Physische Beschreibung: 1 v. (senza paginazione) : in gran parte ill. color. ; 22x22 cm.

Reihen: TPR book

ISBN: 9798340827807


Sprache: Englisch (Sprache des Textes, der Filmmusik usw.)

Land: Italy

  • ISBN da catalogo editoriale.
  • Con QRcode per scaricare online materiale extra.
  • Editore: Piattaforma di pubblicazione indipendente.
  • Età: dai 5 ai 10 anni.
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Africa is not a country


Faloyin, Dipo

Africa is not a country : breaking stereotypes of modern Africa / Dipo Faloyin

London : Harvill Secker, 2022

Titel / Autor: Africa is not a country : breaking stereotypes of modern Africa / Dipo Faloyin

Veröffentlichung: London : Harvill Secker, 2022

Physische Beschreibung: 380 p. ; 23 cm

ISBN: 9781529114829


Sprache: Englisch (Sprache des Textes, der Filmmusik usw.)

Land: xx

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Oxford essential Arabic dictionary


Oxford essential Arabic dictionary : English-Arabic, Arabic-English

Oxford : Oxford University press, 2010

Titel / Autor: Oxford essential Arabic dictionary : English-Arabic, Arabic-English

Veröffentlichung: Oxford : Oxford University press, 2010

Physische Beschreibung: XII, 374 p. ; 18 cm

ISBN: 9780199561155


Sprache: Englisch (Sprache des Textes, der Filmmusik usw.)

Land: xx

Oxford essential Arabic dictionary
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100 things to know about music


100 things to know about music / written by Jerome Martin .. [et al.] ; illustrated by Federico Mariani .. [et al.] ; designed by Jenny Offley .. [et al.].

London : Usborne, 2022.

Titel / Autor: 100 things to know about music / written by Jerome Martin .. [et al.] ; illustrated by Federico Mariani .. [et al.] ; designed by Jenny Offley .. [et al.].

Veröffentlichung: London : Usborne, 2022.

Physische Beschreibung: 127 p. : ill. color. ; 25 cm

ISBN: 9781474996730


Sprache: Englisch (Sprache des Textes, der Filmmusik usw.)

Land: xx

Hundred things to know about music
  • Hundred things to know about music
  • Età: dai 9 ai 14 anni
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Usborne politics for beginners


Frith, Alex.

Usborne politics for beginners / written by Alex Frith, Rosie Hore and Louie Stowell ; illustrated by Kellan Stover ; politics experts: Hugo Crochon, Daniel Viehoff.

Milano : Il saggiatore, 2020.

La cultura [Il saggiatore]

Titel / Autor: Usborne politics for beginners / written by Alex Frith, Rosie Hore and Louie Stowell ; illustrated by Kellan Stover ; politics experts: Hugo Crochon, Daniel Viehoff.

Veröffentlichung: Milano : Il saggiatore, 2020.

Physische Beschreibung: 195 p. : ill. ; 19 cm.

Reihen: La cultura [Il saggiatore]

ISBN: 9781474922524


Sprache: Englisch (Sprache des Textes, der Filmmusik usw.)

Land: xx

  • Cronologia delle opere dantesche
  • Età: dai 9 ai 14 anni.
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The Usborne rhyming 1-2-3


Brooks, Felicity.

The Usborne rhyming 1-2-3 / Felicity Brooks ; illustrated by Gareth Lucas ; designed by Frankie Allen.

1 v. (senza paginazione) : in gran parte ill. color., 30 cm.

Titel / Autor: The Usborne rhyming 1-2-3 / Felicity Brooks ; illustrated by Gareth Lucas ; designed by Frankie Allen.

Veröffentlichung: 1 v. (senza paginazione) : in gran parte ill. color., 30 cm.

Physische Beschreibung: London : Usborne ; 2023.

ISBN: 9781803703275


Sprache: Englisch (Sprache des Textes, der Filmmusik usw.)

Land: xx

  • Età: dai 0 ai 5 anni.
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Biggest, fastest, tallest.. and many more record-breakinh extremes


Stobbart, Darran.

Biggest, fastest, tallest.. and many more record-breakinh extremes / Darran Stobbart, Kasia Serafin.

London : Usborne, 2019.

Lift the flap

Titel / Autor: Biggest, fastest, tallest.. and many more record-breakinh extremes / Darran Stobbart, Kasia Serafin.

Veröffentlichung: London : Usborne, 2019.

Physische Beschreibung: 15 p. : in gran parte ill. color. ; 31 cm.

Reihen: Lift the flap

ISBN: 9781474950855


Sprache: Englisch (Sprache des Textes, der Filmmusik usw.)

Land: xx

  • Dati dalla copertina.
  • V. cartonato con finestrelle apribili.
  • Età: dai 0 ai 5 anni.
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Brooks, Felicity.

Colours / Felicity Brooks ; illustrated by Mélisande Luthringer ; designed by Keith Newell and Kasia Dudziuk.

London : Usborne, 2013.

Lift the flap

Titel / Autor: Colours / Felicity Brooks ; illustrated by Mélisande Luthringer ; designed by Keith Newell and Kasia Dudziuk.

Veröffentlichung: London : Usborne, 2013.

Physische Beschreibung: 1 v. (senza paginazione) : in gran parte ill. color. ; 31 cm.

Reihen: Lift the flap

ISBN: 9781409540571


Sprache: Englisch (Sprache des Textes, der Filmmusik usw.)

Land: xx

  • Dati dalla copertina.
  • V. cartonato con finestrelle apribili.
  • Età: dai 0 ai 5 anni.
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Harry Potter and the chamber of secrets


Rowling, Joanne K.

Harry Potter and the chamber of secrets / J. K. Rowling

London : Bloomsbury, 2014

Titel / Autor: Harry Potter and the chamber of secrets / J. K. Rowling

Veröffentlichung: London : Bloomsbury, 2014

Physische Beschreibung: 359 p. : ill. ; 21 cm

ISBN: 9781408855904


Sprache: Englisch (Sprache des Textes, der Filmmusik usw.)

Land: xx

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Sticks, carrots, and all the rest


Rizzo, Mario

Sticks, carrots, and all the rest : Lombardy and the Spanish strategy in Northern Italy between Europe and the Mediterranean (1550-1600) / Mario Rizzo

[S.l. : s.n.], 2012

Teil von: Saggi

Titel / Autor: Sticks, carrots, and all the rest : Lombardy and the Spanish strategy in Northern Italy between Europe and the Mediterranean (1550-1600) / Mario Rizzo

Veröffentlichung: [S.l. : s.n.], 2012

Physische Beschreibung: P. [146]-184 ; 30 cm


Sprache: Englisch (Sprache des Textes, der Filmmusik usw.)

Land: Italy

Verknüpfte Titel: Saggi
  • 998084428908896 - Saggi -
  • Tit. da p. [146]
  • Descrizione basata sull'estratto, in fotocopia
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Fry, Michael

Edinburgh : a history of the city / Michael Fry

London : Pan, 2010

Titel / Autor: Edinburgh : a history of the city / Michael Fry

Veröffentlichung: London : Pan, 2010

Physische Beschreibung: IX, 419 p., [8] c. di tav. : ill. ; 20 cm

ISBN: 9780330455794


Sprache: Englisch (Sprache des Textes, der Filmmusik usw.)

Land: xx

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Language policy and linguistic minorities in India


Benedikter, Thomas

Language policy and linguistic minorities in India : an appraisal of the linguistic rights of minorities in India / Thomas Benedikter

Berlin : Lit, c2009

Studies on Asia [Lit] ; 3

Titel / Autor: Language policy and linguistic minorities in India : an appraisal of the linguistic rights of minorities in India / Thomas Benedikter

Veröffentlichung: Berlin : Lit, c2009

Physische Beschreibung: 229 p. : tab., fot. ; 21 cm

Reihen: Studies on Asia [Lit] ; 3

ISBN: 9783643102317


Sprache: Englisch (Sprache des Textes, der Filmmusik usw.)

Land: Guinea-Bissau

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Abstract: India not only is concerned with inevitable multilinguism, but also with the rights of many millions of speakers of minority languages. Linguistic minorities in India often feel discriminated and they experience on a daily basis that their mother tongues are deemed worthless dialects that have little utility in modern life. Is the extinction of so many languages the inevitable price to be paid for economic modernization, cultural homogenisation and the multilingual fabric of India's society at large?

Sources of conflict, vision of peace


Sources of conflict, vision of peace / a cura di Nella Maccarrone

Torino : Petrini, c2008

Themes and topics through literature [Petrini]

Titel / Autor: Sources of conflict, vision of peace / a cura di Nella Maccarrone

Veröffentlichung: Torino : Petrini, c2008

Physische Beschreibung: 127 p. : ill. ; 21 cm. +1 CD-ROM

Reihen: Themes and topics through literature [Petrini]

ISBN: 9788849412857


Sprache: Englisch (Sprache des Textes, der Filmmusik usw.)

Land: Italy

Sources of conflict, vision of peace
  • Con apparato didattico
  • Sul front.: With CLIL and interdisciplinary tips
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Tolerance through law


Tolerance through law : self governance and group rights in South Tyrol / edited by Jens Woelk, Francesco Palermo and Joseph Marko ; European Academy Bozen/Bolzano

Leiden [etc.] : Nijhoff, 2008

Titel / Autor: Tolerance through law : self governance and group rights in South Tyrol / edited by Jens Woelk, Francesco Palermo and Joseph Marko ; European Academy Bozen/Bolzano

Veröffentlichung: Leiden [etc.] : Nijhoff, 2008

Physische Beschreibung: XIV, 420 p. : graf., tab. ; 25 cm

ISBN: 9789004163027


Sprache: Englisch (Sprache des Textes, der Filmmusik usw.)

Land: Italy

Tolerance through law
  • Con appendice di dati
  • Scritti di vari
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Olivia helps with Christmas


Falconer, Ian

Olivia helps with Christmas / by Ian Falconer

New York [etc.] : Simon and Schuster, c2007

Titel / Autor: Olivia helps with Christmas / by Ian Falconer

Veröffentlichung: New York [etc.] : Simon and Schuster, c2007

Physische Beschreibung: [23] c. (alcune ripieg.) : in gran parte ill. ; 29 cm

ISBN: 9781416904304


Sprache: Englisch (Sprache des Textes, der Filmmusik usw.)

Land: xx

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Information Literacy in schools of library and information science


Weech, Terry

Information Literacy in schools of library and information science : an international perspective / by Terry Weech

Milano : [s.n.], 2007

Titel / Autor: Information Literacy in schools of library and information science : an international perspective / by Terry Weech

Veröffentlichung: Milano : [s.n.], 2007

Physische Beschreibung: 12 p. ; 30 cm


Sprache: Englisch (Sprache des Textes, der Filmmusik usw.)

Land: Italy

  • L'information literacy nelle scuole di biblioteconomia e scienze dell'informazione
  • Il Convegno affronta un tema di particolare attualità in una società nella quale la formazione sta assumendo sempre più valore di risorsa strategica e in cui l'apprendimento lungo tutto l'arco della vita diviene fattore decisivo e imprescindibile di sviluppo sociale, economico e professionale, oltre che di crescita individuale. In questa prospettiva la biblioteca è chiamata a ridefinire il proprio posizionamento, i propri obiettivi e servizi per svolgere un ruolo più incisivo nei processi e nei progetti di lifelong learning, anche in collaborazione con altre agenzie e istituzioni. Il Convegno intende in particolare approfondire i diversi aspetti di un'attività attraverso la quale si può esprimere in modo mirato la funzione "educativa" della biblioteca: l'information literacy, considerata tra gli obiettivi qualificanti e le strategie di servizio su cui più le biblioteche dovranno investire
  • Tit. in cop.: L'information literacy nelle scuole di biblioteconomia e scienze dell'informazione : una prospettiva internazionale
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The bilingual edge


King, Kendall A.

The bilingual edge : why, when, and how to teach your child a second language / Kendall King, Alison Mackey

New York : Collins, c2007

Titel / Autor: The bilingual edge : why, when, and how to teach your child a second language / Kendall King, Alison Mackey

Veröffentlichung: New York : Collins, c2007

Physische Beschreibung: X, 289 p. ; 21 cm

ISBN: 9780061246562


Sprache: Englisch (Sprache des Textes, der Filmmusik usw.)

Land: xx

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