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Gefunden 15 Dokumente.

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Die unglaubliche Reise des Herrn Schmitt


Peter, Claudia

Die unglaubliche Reise des Herrn Schmitt : Niveau B2/C1 / Claudia Peter

Meckenheim : Liebaug-Dartmann, 2020

Deutsch als Fremdsprache [Liebaug-Dartmann]. Lektüre

Titel / Autor: Die unglaubliche Reise des Herrn Schmitt : Niveau B2/C1 / Claudia Peter

Veröffentlichung: Meckenheim : Liebaug-Dartmann, 2020

Physische Beschreibung: 80 p. : ill. ; 22 cm

Reihen: Deutsch als Fremdsprache [Liebaug-Dartmann]. Lektüre

ISBN: 9783964250070


Sprache: Deutsch (Sprache des Textes, der Filmmusik usw.)

Land: Guinea-Bissau

  • Con apparato didattico
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Voices of Africa - Nigeria


Voices of Africa - Nigeria

Stuttgart : Klett Sprachen, 2019

Abi reader

Titel / Autor: Voices of Africa - Nigeria

Veröffentlichung: Stuttgart : Klett Sprachen, 2019

Physische Beschreibung: 184 p. : ill. ; 20 cm

Reihen: Abi reader

ISBN: 9783125800144


Sprache: Englisch (Sprache des Textes, der Filmmusik usw.)

Land: Guinea-Bissau

Voices of Africa - Nigeria
  • Ulteriori contenuti audio per Smartphone e Tablet scaricabili gratuitamente su:
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Dino Buzzati


Cernigliaro, Maria Angela

Dino Buzzati / Maria Angela Cernigliaro

Roma : Edilingua, 2016

Primiracconti classici [Edilingua]

Titel / Autor: Dino Buzzati / Maria Angela Cernigliaro

Veröffentlichung: Roma : Edilingua, 2016

Physische Beschreibung: 71 p. : ill. color. ; 21 cm. +1 disco sonoro (CD) in tasca

Reihen: Primiracconti classici [Edilingua]

ISBN: 9789606931017 (CD audio)


Sprache: Italienisch (Sprache des Textes, der Filmmusik usw.)

Land: Italy

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Momentos cruciales, individuo y convivencia social


Momentos cruciales, individuo y convivencia social : erhöhtes Anforderungsniveau / notas y prólogo de Silvia Vega Ordóñez

Stuttgart : Klett Sprachen, 2014

Biblioteca Klett

Titel / Autor: Momentos cruciales, individuo y convivencia social : erhöhtes Anforderungsniveau / notas y prólogo de Silvia Vega Ordóñez

Veröffentlichung: Stuttgart : Klett Sprachen, 2014

Physische Beschreibung: 127 p. ; 20 cm

Reihen: Biblioteca Klett

ISBN: 9783125357693


Sprache: Spanisch (Sprache des Textes, der Filmmusik usw.)

Land: Guinea-Bissau

Momentos cruciales, individuo y convivencia social
  • Scritti di vari
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Joyce, James

Dubliners : a selection / James Joyce ; notes and activities: Rosi Dossena ; introduction: Liam McGrory

Milano : Hoepli, c2013

Reading the masters [Hoepli]. Level B2/C1 ; 1

Titel / Autor: Dubliners : a selection / James Joyce ; notes and activities: Rosi Dossena ; introduction: Liam McGrory

Veröffentlichung: Milano : Hoepli, c2013

Physische Beschreibung: IV, 356 p. : ill. ; 20 cm

Reihen: Reading the masters [Hoepli]. Level B2/C1 ; 1

ISBN: 9788820350420


Sprache: Englisch (Sprache des Textes, der Filmmusik usw.)

Land: Italy

  • CD Mp3 scaricabile online
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Abstract: Dubliners was James Joyce's first endeavour to put his native city and its inhabitants onto the literary map of the world. A century after its first publication, the stories still conjure up the Dublin of Joyce's youth, recounting critical moments in the lives of his fellow citizens in an Ireland held captive by British Rule and Irish Catholicism.. (

Real lives, real listening


Thorn, Sheila

Real lives, real listening : student's book.. Advanced B2-C1 / Sheila Thorn

London : HarperCollins, 2013

Titel / Autor: Real lives, real listening : student's book.. Advanced B2-C1 / Sheila Thorn

Veröffentlichung: London : HarperCollins, 2013

Physische Beschreibung: 280 p. : ill. ; 25 cm. +1 disco sonoro (CD), Mp3 in tasca

ISBN: 9780007522330


Sprache: Englisch (Sprache des Textes, der Filmmusik usw.)

Land: xx

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Cernigliaro, Maria Angela

Letteratura : testi e attività per stranieri / Maria Angela Cernigliaro

Roma : Edilingua, 2009

L'Italia è cultura [Edilingua]

Titel / Autor: Letteratura : testi e attività per stranieri / Maria Angela Cernigliaro

Veröffentlichung: Roma : Edilingua, 2009

Physische Beschreibung: 32 p. : ill. ; 30 cm

Reihen: L'Italia è cultura [Edilingua]

ISBN: 9789606930072


Sprache: Italienisch (Sprache des Textes, der Filmmusik usw.)

Land: Italy

  • Con apparato didattico
  • Nome dell'A. dalla cop
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Abstract: L'Italia è cultura è una serie di 5 fascicoli monografici sulla cultura italiana. Ogni monografia, attraverso un linguaggio semplice, esaustivo e tanto materiale fotografico, offre allo studente straniero la possibilità di diventare protagonista di un viaggio attraverso la cultura e la civiltà italiana, fornendogli informazioni ed elementi per interpretare e capire meglio la variegata realtà culturale italiana. Inoltre, lo studente può verificare l’apprendimento di quanto studiato in ogni fascicolo tramite diverse attività, esercitazioni e giochi linguistici (

The woman in white


Lewis, Richard G.

The woman in white / Wilkie Collins ; retold by Richard G. Lewis

Oxford [etc.] : Oxford University press, c2008

Oxford bookworms library [Oxford University press]. Thriller & adventure, Stage 6

Titel / Autor: The woman in white / Wilkie Collins ; retold by Richard G. Lewis

Veröffentlichung: Oxford [etc.] : Oxford University press, c2008

Physische Beschreibung: [8], 120 p. : ill. b/n ; 20 cm

Reihen: Oxford bookworms library [Oxford University press]. Thriller & adventure, Stage 6

ISBN: 9780194792707


Sprache: Englisch (Sprache des Textes, der Filmmusik usw.)

Land: xx

  • Con apparato didattico
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Abstract: The woman in white first appears at night on a lonely heath near London and is next seen at a grave-side in Cumberland. Who is she? Where has she come from, and what is her history? She seems alone and friendless, frightened and confused. And it seems she knows a secret - a secret that could bring ruin and shame to a man who will do anything to keep her silent. (

Mosaico Italia


De Biasio, Marco

Mosaico Italia : percorsi nella cultura e nella civiltà italiana / M. De Biasio, P. Garofalo

Roma : Edilingua, 2008

Titel / Autor: Mosaico Italia : percorsi nella cultura e nella civiltà italiana / M. De Biasio, P. Garofalo

Veröffentlichung: Roma : Edilingua, 2008

Physische Beschreibung: 155 p. : ill. ; 30 cm. +1 disco sonoro (CD) in tasca

ISBN: 9789606632693


Sprache: Italienisch (Sprache des Textes, der Filmmusik usw.)

Land: Italy

  • Con apparato didattico
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Abstract: Mosaico Italia è un volume di studio e approfondimento della realtà italiana destinato ad un pubblico di studenti stranieri di livello intermedio-avanzato che a scuola o in percorsi extrascolastici vogliono approfondire lo studio della lingua e della civiltà italiane. L’opera è strutturata in sei percorsi che sviluppano in modo organico alcuni temi legati alla cultura italiana e alla vita quotidiana (

Pride and prejudice


West, Clare

Pride and prejudice / Jane Austen ; retold by Clare West

Oxford [etc.] : Oxford University press, c2008

Oxford bookworms library [Oxford University press]. Classics, Stage 6

Titel / Autor: Pride and prejudice / Jane Austen ; retold by Clare West

Veröffentlichung: Oxford [etc.] : Oxford University press, c2008

Physische Beschreibung: [8], 120 p. : ill. b/n ; 20 cm. +3 dischi sonori (CD) in tasca

Reihen: Oxford bookworms library [Oxford University press]. Classics, Stage 6

ISBN: 9780194792479


Sprache: Englisch (Sprache des Textes, der Filmmusik usw.)

Land: xx

  • Con apparato didattico
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Abstract: 'The moment I first met you, I noticed your pride, your sense of superiority, and your selfish disdain for the feelings of others. You are the last man in the world whom I could ever be persuaded to marry,' said Elizabeth Bennet. And so Elizabeth rejects the proud Mr Darcy. Can nothing overcome her prejudice against him? And what of the other Bennet girls - their fortunes, and misfortunes, in the business of getting husbands? (

Vanity fair


Mowat, Diane

Vanity fair / William Thackeray ; retold by Diane Mowat ; illustrations by William Thackeray from the engravings in the 1847 edition

Oxford [etc.] : Oxford University press, c2008

Oxford bookworms library [Oxford University press]. Classics, Stage 6

Titel / Autor: Vanity fair / William Thackeray ; retold by Diane Mowat ; illustrations by William Thackeray from the engravings in the 1847 edition

Veröffentlichung: Oxford [etc.] : Oxford University press, c2008

Physische Beschreibung: [8], 136 p. : ill. b/n ; 20 cm. +4 dischi sonori (CD) in tasca

Reihen: Oxford bookworms library [Oxford University press]. Classics, Stage 6

ISBN: 9780194792691


Sprache: Englisch (Sprache des Textes, der Filmmusik usw.)

Land: xx

  • Con apparato didattico
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Abstract: When Becky Sharp and Amelia Sedley leave school, their feet are set on very different paths. Kind, foolish Amelia returns to her comfortable home and wealthy family, to await a suitable marriage, while Becky must look out for herself, earning her own living in a hard world. But Becky is neither kind nor foolish, and with her quick brain and keen eye for a chance, her fortunes soon rise, while Amelia's fall. (

Jane Eyre


Brontë, Charlotte

Jane Eyre / Charlotte Brontë ; retold by Clare West

Oxford [etc.] : Oxford University press, c2008

Oxford bookworms library [Oxford University press]. Classics, Stage 6

Titel / Autor: Jane Eyre / Charlotte Brontë ; retold by Clare West

Veröffentlichung: Oxford [etc.] : Oxford University press, c2008

Physische Beschreibung: [8], 120 p. : ill. b/n ; 20 cm. +3 dischi sonori (CD) in tasca

Reihen: Oxford bookworms library [Oxford University press]. Classics, Stage 6

ISBN: 9780194792455


Sprache: Englisch (Sprache des Textes, der Filmmusik usw.)

Land: xx

  • Con apparato didattico
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Abstract: Jane Eyre is alone in the world. Disliked by her aunt's family, she is sent away to school. Here she learns that a young girl, with neither money nor family to support her, can expect little from the world. She survives, but she wants more from life than simply to survive: she wants respect, and love. When she goes to work for Mr Rochester, she hopes she has found both at once. But the sound of strange laughter, late at night, behind a locked door, warns her that her troubles are only beginning. (

Tess of the d'Urbervilles


West, Clare

Tess of the d'Urbervilles / Thomas Hardy ; retold by Clare West

Oxford [etc.] : Oxford University press, c2008

Oxford bookworms library [Oxford University press]. Classics, Stage 6

Titel / Autor: Tess of the d'Urbervilles / Thomas Hardy ; retold by Clare West

Veröffentlichung: Oxford [etc.] : Oxford University press, c2008

Physische Beschreibung: [8], 136 p. : ill. b/n ; 20 cm. +3 dischi sonori (CD) in tasca

Reihen: Oxford bookworms library [Oxford University press]. Classics, Stage 6

ISBN: 9780194792486


Sprache: Englisch (Sprache des Textes, der Filmmusik usw.)

Land: xx

  • Con apparato didattico
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Abstract: A pretty young girl has to leave home to make money for her family. She is clever and a good worker; but she is uneducated and does not know the cruel ways of the world. So, when a rich young man says he loves her, she is careful - but not careful enough. He is persuasive, and she is overwhelmed. It is not her fault, but the world says it is. Her young life is already stained by men's desires, and by death. (



Cernigliaro, Maria Angela

Storia : testi e attività per stranieri / Maria Angela Cernigliaro

Roma : Edilingua, 2008

L'Italia è cultura [Edilingua]

Titel / Autor: Storia : testi e attività per stranieri / Maria Angela Cernigliaro

Veröffentlichung: Roma : Edilingua, 2008

Physische Beschreibung: 31 p. : ill. ; 30 cm

Reihen: L'Italia è cultura [Edilingua]

ISBN: 9789606930089


Sprache: Italienisch (Sprache des Textes, der Filmmusik usw.)

Land: Italy

  • Con apparato didattico
  • Nome dell'A. dalla cop
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Abstract: L'Italia è cultura è una serie di 5 fascicoli monografici sulla cultura italiana. Ogni monografia, attraverso un linguaggio semplice, esaustivo e tanto materiale fotografico, offre allo studente straniero la possibilità di diventare protagonista di un viaggio attraverso la cultura e la civiltà italiana, fornendogli informazioni ed elementi per interpretare e capire meglio la variegata realtà culturale italiana. Inoltre, lo studente può verificare l’apprendimento di quanto studiato in ogni fascicolo tramite diverse attività, esercitazioni e giochi linguistici (

Oliver Twist


Rogers, Richard

Oliver Twist / Charles Dickens ; retold by Richard Rogers

Oxford : Oxford University press, c2008

Oxford bookworms library [Oxford university press]. Classics, Stage 6

Titel / Autor: Oliver Twist / Charles Dickens ; retold by Richard Rogers

Veröffentlichung: Oxford : Oxford University press, c2008

Physische Beschreibung: [6], 120 p. : ill. b/n ; 20 cm. +3 dischi sonori (CD) in tasca

Reihen: Oxford bookworms library [Oxford university press]. Classics, Stage 6

ISBN: 9780194792462


Sprache: Englisch (Sprache des Textes, der Filmmusik usw.)

Land: xx

  • Con apparato didattico
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Abstract: London in the 1830s was no place to be if you were a hungry ten-year-old boy, an orphan without friends or family, with no home to go to, and only a penny in your pocket to buy a piece of bread. But Oliver Twist finds some friends - Fagin, the Artful Dodger, and Charley Bates. They give him food and shelter, and play games with him, but it is not until some days later that Oliver finds out what kind of friends they are and what kind of 'games' they play.. (