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American stories


American stories : edited by Lesley Thompson and Ceri Jones

Oxford : Macmillan, 2009

Macmillan literature collections

Titel / Autor: American stories : edited by Lesley Thompson and Ceri Jones

Veröffentlichung: Oxford : Macmillan, 2009

Physische Beschreibung: 198 p. ; 20 cm

Reihen: Macmillan literature collections

ISBN: 9783193029591 (Hueber)


Sprache: Englisch (Sprache des Textes, der Filmmusik usw.)

Land: xx

American stories
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Abstract: "This collection brings together six stories which explore the development of the American short story over the past century - from a fierce critique of modern suburban family life to isolation and lost love in the deep mid-west." (dalla 4. di cop.)