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The story of the Rabbit adapted by Kim Yu Mi, Bae Se Eun

Kim, Yu Mi

The story of the Rabbit / adapted by Kim Yu Mi, Bae Se Eun

Paju-si, Gyeonggi-do : Darakwon, 2023

Darakwon Korean Readers

Abstract: “The Story of the Rabbit,” adapts a classic Korean novel about a rabbit and a turtle who represent various social classes of the Joseon Dynasty. As students enjoy reading this story, they can naturally become familiar with vocabulary words and expressions that are essential for the beginner level. In addition, through explanations about the historical background..

The story of Kongjwi and Patjwi adapted by Yu Mi Kim, Se Eun Bae

Kim, Yu Mi

The story of Kongjwi and Patjwi / adapted by Yu Mi Kim, Se Eun Bae

Paju-si, Gyeonggi-do : Darakwon, 2022

Darakwon Korean Readers

Abstract: The story of Kongjwi and Patjwi is a beloved and popular Korean folktale made around the late Joseon period. The folktale is known to exist in 17 variant forms, and the novel version was first published in 1928. Often compared to the Western fairy tell of Cinderella for sharing common motifs, Kongjwi and Patjwi also features a wicked stepmother, a misplaced shoe, and helper-characters with magical powers. The universal theme of “good prevailing over evil” is also found inWeiterlesen

Langenscheidt Audio-Wortschatztrainer Koreanisch

Langenscheidt Audio-Wortschatztrainer Koreanisch

München : Langenscheidt, 2022

The story of Sim Cheong adapted by Kim Yu Mi, Bae Se Eun, Lee Young-do

Kim, Yu Mi

The story of Sim Cheong / adapted by Kim Yu Mi, Bae Se Eun, Lee Young-do

Paju-si, Gyeonggi-do : Darakwon, 2021

Darakwon Korean Readers

Abstract: The Story of Sim Cheong or The Tale of Shim Ch'ŏng is a Korean classical novel about a filial daughter named Sim Cheong. Simcheongga, the pansori version, performed by a single narrator, is believed to be the older version of the story, with the novel having been adapted from its script. Some examples of the story, though nominally referred to as novels, are practically the same as the pansori libretti, and are thus referred to as "pansori novels"..

Koreanisch Einstiegskurs Jan-Philipp Holzapfel, Shin Whea Kim ; herausgegeben von Hedwig Nosbers

Holzapfel, Jan-Philipp

Koreanisch Einstiegskurs : für Kurzentschlossene : mit Einführung in die koreanische Schrift / Jan-Philipp Holzapfel, Shin Whea Kim ; herausgegeben von Hedwig Nosbers

München : Hueber, 2019