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Gefunden 400 Dokumente.

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A little trouble in California by Richard MacAndrew

MacAndrew, Richard

A little trouble in California / by Richard MacAndrew

Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2011

Cambridge experience readers. Starter/Beginner

Fundgrube Nadja Czernohous Linzi, Gabriella Montali, Daniela Mandelli

Czernohous Linzi, Nadja

Fundgrube : materiali per il potenziamento dell'abilità di lettura e l'ampliamento delle conoscenze di civiltà / Nadja Czernohous Linzi, Gabriella Montali, Daniela Mandelli

Torino : Loescher, 2011

Teil von: Deutsch leicht

The secret garden Frances Hodgson Burnett ; retold and with activities by Jane Bowie ; illustrated by Philip Giordano

Bowie, Jane

The secret garden / Frances Hodgson Burnett ; retold and with activities by Jane Bowie ; illustrated by Philip Giordano

Recanati : ELI, 2011

Teen ELI readers. Stage 2

Abstract: One day, in India, nine-year old Mary wakes up and finds that she is completely alone. Back home in England, she is sent to live with an uncle she has never met.. (

Via della grammatica Mina Ricci

Ricci, Mina

Via della grammatica : teoria, esercizi, test e materiale autentico per stranieri / Mina Ricci

Roma : Edilingua, 2011

Der Nussknacker E.T.A. Hoffmann ; bearbeitet von Alessandra Liberati und Marcella De Meglio ; illustriert von Anna und Elena Balbusso

Liberati, Alessandra

Der Nussknacker / E.T.A. Hoffmann ; bearbeitet von Alessandra Liberati und Marcella De Meglio ; illustriert von Anna und Elena Balbusso

Genova : Cideb, 2011

Lesen und üben [Cideb]. Niveau eins A1

Le grand meaulnes Alain-Fournier ; adaptation libre et activités de Domitille Hatuel ; illustrations de Sara Migneco

Hatuel, Domitille

Le grand meaulnes / Alain-Fournier ; adaptation libre et activités de Domitille Hatuel ; illustrations de Sara Migneco

Recanati : ELI, 2011

Lectures ELI seniors. Niveau 3

Nuova grammatica pratica della lingua italiana Susanna Nocchi

Nocchi, Susanna

Nuova grammatica pratica della lingua italiana : esercizi, test, giochi / Susanna Nocchi

Ed. aggiornata, tutta a colori, con moltissimi nuovi schemi, esercizi e test a punti

Firenze : Alma, 2011

Michel Strogoff Jules Verne ; adaptation, notes et appareil didactique élaborés par Lidia Parodi et Marina Vallacco

Parodi, Lidia

Michel Strogoff / Jules Verne ; adaptation, notes et appareil didactique élaborés par Lidia Parodi et Marina Vallacco

Milano : Hoepli, c2011

Classiques faciles [Hoepli]. Niveau B1

Abstract: La serie Classici semplificati si propone di avvicinare gli studenti ai grandi capolavori della letteratura internazionale; al testo semplificato e annotato si affiancano un ricco apparato didattico e dossier di civiltà. In questo romanzo di Jules Verne vengono narrate le avventure di Michel Strogoff, corriere dello zar, alle prese con un lungo e periglioso viaggio da Mosca a Irkutsk. Le province siberiane sono invase dai tartari sostenuti da Ivan Ogareff, grandeWeiterlesen

DELF actif Anna Maria Crimi, Gisèle Agnello

Crimi, Anna Maria

DELF actif : scolaire et junior : niveau A2 / Anna Maria Crimi, Gisèle Agnello

Recanati : ELI, 2011

DELF actif Anna Maria Crimi, Gisèle Agnello

Crimi, Anna Maria

DELF actif : scolaire et junior : niveau A1 / Anna Maria Crimi, Gisèle Agnello

Recanati : ELI, 2011

Lord of the flies William Golding

Golding, William

Lord of the flies / William Golding

Stuttgart : Klett Sprachen, 2011

Klett English editions

Abstract: A plane crashes on a desert island and the only survivors, a group of schoolboys, assemble on the beach and wait to be rescued. By day they inhabit a land of bright fantastic birds and dark blue seas, but at night their dreams are haunted by the image of a terrifying beast. As the boys' delicate sense of order fades, so their childish dreams are transformed into something more primitive, and their behaviour starts to take on a murderous, savage significance. FirstWeiterlesen

Deutsch ganz leicht Renate Luscher

Luscher, Renate

Deutsch ganz leicht : Selbstlernkurs Deutsch für Anfänger / Renate Luscher

Ismaning : Hueber, 2011

Speakout Antonia Clare, JJ Wilson

Clare, Antonia

Speakout : pre-intermediate / Antonia Clare, JJ Wilson

Harlow : Pearson Education, 2011-

On y va! Nicole Laudut

Laudut, Nicole

On y va! : der Französischkurs Sprachtrainer / Nicole Laudut

Ismaning : Hueber, 2011

Erzählungen Rainer Maria Rilke ; Anmerkungen und didaktische Bearbeitung von Claudio Brigliano und Fiorenza Doni

Rilke, Rainer Maria

Erzählungen / Rainer Maria Rilke ; Anmerkungen und didaktische Bearbeitung von Claudio Brigliano und Fiorenza Doni

Milano : Hoepli, c2011

Klassiker [Hoepli]. Lesen

Around the world in eighty days Jules Verne ; text adaptation and activities by Eleanor Donaldson ; illustrated by Paolo D'Altan

Donaldson, Eleanor

Around the world in eighty days / Jules Verne ; text adaptation and activities by Eleanor Donaldson ; illustrated by Paolo D'Altan

New ed

Genova : Cideb ; Canterbury : Black cat, 2011

Reading & training [Cideb]. Step two B1.1

La Celestina Fernando de Rojas ; adptacion de la obra, actividades y notas gramaticales de Rosa Isabel Salvatierra Oliva

Salvatierra Oliva, Rosa Isabel

La Celestina / Fernando de Rojas ; adptacion de la obra, actividades y notas gramaticales de Rosa Isabel Salvatierra Oliva

Milano : Hoepli, c2011

Clásicos facilitados [Hoepli]. Nivel B1

Parla con me 1

D'Angelo, Katia

Parla con me 1 : corso di lingua e cultura italiana per ragazzi

Firenze : Alma, 2011

Permesso di soggiorno M. Bertani .. [et al.]

Permesso di soggiorno : prove d'esame di lingua italiana per i soggiornanti di lungo periodo / M. Bertani .. [et al.]

Firenze : Alma, 2011

Die Leiden des jungen Werther Johann Wolfgang von Goethe ; nacherzählt von Peggy Katelhön ; Illustrationen: Gianluca Folì

Katelhön, Peggy

Die Leiden des jungen Werther / Johann Wolfgang von Goethe ; nacherzählt von Peggy Katelhön ; Illustrationen: Gianluca Folì

Recanati : ELI, 2011

Erwachsene ELI Lektüren. Niveau 3