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Per amore dell'acqua prodotto da Steven Starr ; regia di Irena Salina
Videoregistrazioni: DVD

Per amore dell'acqua [Videoregistrazione] / prodotto da Steven Starr ; regia di Irena Salina

Milano : Feltrinelli, c2009

Feltrinelli real cinema

Fa parte di: Per amore dell'acquaDVD

Abstract: Attraverso interviste a scienziati e attivisti, il documentario vuole mettere in luce, e allo stesso tempo proporre una soluzione, ai problemi legati ad uno dei principali temi ambientali del 21. secolo, l'emergenza idrica, ponendo l'accento sulla politica, l'inquinamento, i diritti umani e soprattutto sulla pericolosità di un prepotente cartello mondiale dell'acqua.. (

Frankenstein, or, The modern Prometheus Mary Shelley ; edited by M. K. Joseph

Shelley, Mary

Frankenstein, or, The modern Prometheus / Mary Shelley ; edited by M. K. Joseph

Oxford : Oxford University press, 1980

The world's classics [Oxford university press]

Storia d'autunno Jill Barklem

Barklem, Jill

Storia d'autunno : Primulina e i topi mietitori / Jill Barklem

Trieste : EL, c1996

Boscodirovo [EL]

The very hungry Caterpillar's 1 2 3 Eric Carle

Carle, Eric

The very hungry Caterpillar's 1 2 3 / Eric Carle

London : Puffin books, 2017

World of Eric Carle

Abstract: The Very Hungry Caterpillar is a beloved classic, and has sold 41 million copies worldwide in 62 languages. With this board book, learn your numbers with The Very Hungry Caterpillar and lots of animal friends. Starting off with one giraffe and finishing with 10 gorgeous animals (including The Very Hungry Caterpillar himself!), this is the perfect introduction to counting for very young children.

Twinkle, twinkle, little star illustrated by Florence Weiser

Weiser, Florence

Twinkle, twinkle, little star : a light-up bedtime book / illustrated by Florence Weiser

Philadelphia : Running Press Kids, 2017

Abstract: Presents the traditional nursery rhyme in a book with stars that light up when the battery switch on the back cover is turned on

Orange pear apple bear Emily Gravett

Gravett, Emily

Orange pear apple bear / Emily Gravett

New York [etc.] : Simon & Schuster, 2006

Abstract: Destined to become a contemporary classic, this book has spare text and sweet illustrations but contains only five words: apple, pear, orange, bear--and there.. (

Frederick Leo Lionni

Lionni, Leo

Frederick / Leo Lionni

New York : Dragonfly books, 2017

Abstract: Frederick the field mouse stores up something special for the long cold winter

Goodnight moon by Margaret Wise Brown ; pictures by Clement Hurd

Brown, Margaret Wise

Goodnight moon / by Margaret Wise Brown ; pictures by Clement Hurd

London : Two Hoots, 2016

Abstract: In a great green room a little bunny is tucked up snugly and safely in bed and is getting ready to say goodnight to all the familiar things in his room, one by one.

Animal farm George Orwell

Orwell, George

Animal farm : a fairy story / George Orwell

Harmondsworth : Penguin books, 1951

Abstract: Tells of a revolution that went wrong when the animals drive Mr Jones off his farm and attempt to run it themselves.. (

Alice's adventures in Wonderland Lewis Carroll

Dodgson, Charles Lutwidge

Alice's adventures in Wonderland / Lewis Carroll

Firenze [etc.] : Demetra, 2017

Scuola d'inglese [Demetra]. Testi

Bloody diamonds Andrew Ridley

Ridley, Andrew

Bloody diamonds / Andrew Ridley

Firenze [etc.] : Giunti Demetra, 2019

L'inglese in giallo. Secondo livello

Handa's surprise Eileen Browne

Browne, Eileen

Handa's surprise / Eileen Browne

London : Walker Books, 2016

Abstract: Handa puts seven delicious fruits in a basket for her friend Akeyo. Which fruit will Akeyo like best, she wonders. After a long walk to the next village, the answer turns out to be a big surprise!

An american tragedy Theodore Dreiser ; abridged and simplified by Sally Lowe

Lowe, Sally

An american tragedy / Theodore Dreiser ; abridged and simplified by Sally Lowe

Glasgow : Collins ELT, 1983

Collins English library. Level 3

The elephant man Tim Vicary

Vicary, Tim

The elephant man / Tim Vicary

Oxford : Oxford University press, 1989

Oxford bookworms. Black series, Stage 1

The three billy goats gruff a cura di Gabriella Ballarin ; illustrazioni di Maurizia Rubino

The three billy goats gruff / a cura di Gabriella Ballarin ; illustrazioni di Maurizia Rubino

Nuova ed

Firenze [etc.] : Giunti junior, 2010

Scuola d'inglese. 1. livello

The three little pigs a cura di Margherita Giromini ; illustrazioni di Barbara Bongini

The three little pigs / a cura di Margherita Giromini ; illustrazioni di Barbara Bongini

Nuova ed

Firenze [etc.] : Giunti junior, 2008

Scuola d'inglese [Giunti junior]. Storie per bambini di 6/8 anni

Moby Dick Herman Melville ; [riduzione e adattamento Margherita Giromini]

Melville, Herman

Moby Dick / Herman Melville ; [riduzione e adattamento Margherita Giromini]

2 rist.

Firenze [etc.] : Giunti junior, 2018

Scuola d'inglese. 2. livello

The gingerbread man a cura di Gabriella Ballarin ; illustrazioni: Marina Marinelli

The gingerbread man / a cura di Gabriella Ballarin ; illustrazioni: Marina Marinelli

Firenze [etc.] : Giunti, 2018

Scuola d'inglese [Giunti junior]. 1. livello

Sense and sensibility Jane Austen ; abridged and simplified by Norman Wymer

Wymer, Norman

Sense and sensibility / Jane Austen ; abridged and simplified by Norman Wymer

Glasgow : Collins, 1979

Collins English library. Level 5

Crime never pays edited by Clare West ; series advisers H. G. Widdowson, Jennifer Bassett

Crime never pays : short stories / edited by Clare West ; series advisers H. G. Widdowson, Jennifer Bassett

Oxford : Oxford University press, 1993

Oxford bookworms collection