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× Datum 1983
× Datum 1988
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× Sprachen Englisch

Gefunden 123 Dokumente.

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Harry Potter and the philosopher's stone J. K. Rowling

Rowling, Joanne K.

Harry Potter and the philosopher's stone / J. K. Rowling

12. [ed.]

London : Bloomsbury, 2000

Bibliothek Standort Ausleihrichtlinie Verfügbarkeit
Brixen - Oberschulzentrum ital. SpracheScaffale aperto
823.914 ROWL
Prestabile 30 gg.Exemplar am Standort
Bozen - Schulzentrum MarcellineScaffale aperto
823.914 ROW
Prestabile 30 gg.Exemplar am Standort
Bozen - Schulzentrum MarcellineScaffale aperto
823.914 ROW
Prestabile 30 gg.Exemplar am Standort
The hunger games. Suzanne Collins

Collins, Suzanne

The hunger games.. book 1 / Suzanne Collins

London : Scholastic, 2009

Bibliothek Standort Ausleihrichtlinie Verfügbarkeit
Brixen - Oberschulzentrum ital. SpracheScaffale aperto
813.6 COLL1
Prestabile 30 gg.Exemplar am Standort
Bozen - Gymnasium G. CarducciScaffale aperto
Prestabile 30 gg.Exemplar am Standort
Meran - SprachenmediathekScaffale aperto
L03.EN 813 COL
Prestabile 30 gg.Exemplar am Standort

Abstract: Sixteen-year-old Katniss Everdeen regards it as a death sentence when she is forced to represent her district in the annual Hunger Games, a fight to the death on live TV. But Katniss has been close to death before - and survival, for her, is second nature. "The Hunger Games" is a searing novel set in a future with unsettling parallels to our present. Welcome to the deadliest reality TV show ever.

Northanger Abbey Jane Austen ; edited with an Introduction by Luciana Pirè

Austen, Jane

Northanger Abbey / Jane Austen ; edited with an Introduction by Luciana Pirè

Firenze : Giunti, 2001

Giunti classics

Bibliothek Standort Ausleihrichtlinie Verfügbarkeit
Brixen - Oberschulzentrum ital. SpracheScaffale aperto
823.7 AUST
Prestabile 30 gg.Exemplar am Standort
Bozen - Gymnasium E. TorricelliScaffale aperto
823.7 AUS 6
Prestabile 30 gg.Exemplar am Standort
The eighteenth century english novel Flora Palimidesi

Palamidesi, Flora

The eighteenth century english novel : from sentimentalism to rationalism / Flora Palimidesi

Milano : Principato, 1987

Società cultura e linguaggi [Principato]. Sezione inglese

Bibliothek Standort Ausleihrichtlinie Verfügbarkeit
Brixen - Oberschulzentrum ital. SpracheScaffale aperto
823.5 EIG - 1
Prestabile 30 gg.Exemplar am Standort
The strange case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde Edgar Allan Poe ; adaptation and activities by Janet Borsbey and Ruth Swan ; illustrated by Alberto Macone

Borsbey, Janet

The strange case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde / Edgar Allan Poe ; adaptation and activities by Janet Borsbey and Ruth Swan ; illustrated by Alberto Macone

Recanati : ELI, 2014

Young adult ELI readers. Stage 2

Bibliothek Standort Ausleihrichtlinie Verfügbarkeit
Brixen - Oberschulzentrum ital. SpracheFormazione Professionale_Bressanone
Prestabile 30 gg.Exemplar am Standort
Neumarkt - Bibliothek EndidaeScaffale aperto
428.4 BORS - 1
Prestabile 30 gg.Exemplar am Standort

Abstract: Jekyll is a famous London doctor, but something unusual is happening in his house. Who is his strange young friend? Why does Jekyll like him? And why does no-one else like him? Stevenson’s dark thriller is the story of one man’s need to find himself in the dark, foggy London of Victorian times. (

Robinson Crusoe Edgar Allan Poe ; adaptation and activities by Silvana Sardi ; illustrated by Matteo Berton

Sardi, Silvana

Robinson Crusoe / Edgar Allan Poe ; adaptation and activities by Silvana Sardi ; illustrated by Matteo Berton

Recanati : ELI, 2015

Young adult ELI readers. Stage 1

Bibliothek Standort Ausleihrichtlinie Verfügbarkeit
Brixen - Oberschulzentrum ital. SpracheFormazione Professionale_Bressanone
Prestabile 30 gg.Exemplar am Standort
Bozen - Mittelschule Ugo FoscoloScaffale aperto
R 428 SAR
Prestabile 30 gg.Exemplar am Standort

Abstract: Crusoe’s father wants him to be a good guy, but Crusoe wants nothing more than to travel around the world. His first voyage is a disaster! Robinson survives but doesn’t go home and travels to Brazil. Then…

Tess of the d'Urbervilles Thomas Hardy ; a cura di F. Catena

Hardy, Thomas

Tess of the d'Urbervilles / Thomas Hardy ; a cura di F. Catena

Torino : Il capitello, 1995

Il capitello classics

Bibliothek Standort Ausleihrichtlinie Verfügbarkeit
Brixen - Oberschulzentrum ital. SpracheScaffale aperto
823.8 HARD
Prestabile 30 gg.Exemplar am Standort

Abstract: An innocent country girl is seduced. From that moment her life is at the mercy of Fate .. (Dalla 4. di cop.)

Hans Andersen's fairy tales translated from the danish by L.W. Kingsland ; with the original illustrations by Vilhelm Pedersen and Lorenz Frølich ; and an introduction by Naomi Lewis

Andersen, Hans Christian

Hans Andersen's fairy tales : a selection / translated from the danish by L.W. Kingsland ; with the original illustrations by Vilhelm Pedersen and Lorenz Frølich ; and an introduction by Naomi Lewis

Oxford [etc.] : Oxford University press, 1984

World's classics [Oxford University press]

Bibliothek Standort Ausleihrichtlinie Verfügbarkeit
Brixen - Oberschulzentrum ital. SpracheScaffale aperto
839.8 ANDE
Prestabile 30 gg.Exemplar am Standort
Jazz age tales F. Scott Fitzgerald ; introduction by Robert R. Moore ; notes and text analysis by Doc Rossi

Fitzgerald, Francis Scott

Jazz age tales / F. Scott Fitzgerald ; introduction by Robert R. Moore ; notes and text analysis by Doc Rossi

Napoli : Loffredo, 1996

Great authors [Loffredo]

Bibliothek Standort Ausleihrichtlinie Verfügbarkeit
Brixen - Oberschulzentrum ital. SpracheScaffale aperto
813.52 FITZ
Prestabile 30 gg.Exemplar am Standort
Stardust Neil Gaiman

Gaiman, Neil

Stardust / Neil Gaiman

New York : HarperCollins, 2009

Harper Teen

Bibliothek Standort Ausleihrichtlinie Verfügbarkeit
Brixen - Oberschulzentrum ital. SpracheScaffale aperto
823.914 GAIM
Prestabile 30 gg.Exemplar am Standort
The strange case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde Robert Louis Stevenson ; edited with an introduction by Luciana Pirè

Stevenson, Robert Louis

The strange case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde / Robert Louis Stevenson ; edited with an introduction by Luciana Pirè

Firenze : Giunti, 2001

Giunti classics

Bibliothek Standort Ausleihrichtlinie Verfügbarkeit
Brixen - Oberschulzentrum ital. SpracheScaffale aperto
823.8 STEV
Prestabile 30 gg.Exemplar am Standort
Artemis Fowl. Eoin Colfer

Colfer, Eoin

Artemis Fowl.. book 1 / Eoin Colfer

London : Puffin, 2011

Bibliothek Standort Ausleihrichtlinie Verfügbarkeit
Brixen - Oberschulzentrum ital. SpracheScaffale aperto
823.92 COLF
Prestabile 30 gg.Exemplar am Standort

Abstract: Twelve-year-old Artemis Fowl is a millionaire, a genuis, and, above all, a criminal mastermind. But even Artemis doesn't know what he's taken on when he kidnaps a fairy, Captain Holly Short of the LEPrecon Unit. These aren't the fairies of bedtime stories, they're dangerous! Full of unexpected twists and turns, Artemis Fowl is a riveting, magical adventure.

Orlando Virginia Woolf

Woolf, Virginia

Orlando : a biography / Virginia Woolf

London : Penguin books, 1967

Penguin books ; 381

Bibliothek Standort Ausleihrichtlinie Verfügbarkeit
Brixen - Oberschulzentrum ital. SpracheScaffale aperto
823.912 WOOL
Prestabile 30 gg.Exemplar am Standort
Percy Jackson & the Olimpians. Rick Riordan

Riordan, Rick

Percy Jackson & the Olimpians.. book 1. The lightning thief / Rick Riordan

New York : Hyperion, 2006

Teil von: The lightning thief

Bibliothek Standort Ausleihrichtlinie Verfügbarkeit
Brixen - Oberschulzentrum ital. SpracheScaffale aperto
813.6 RIOR
Prestabile 30 gg.Exemplar am Standort

Abstract: Zeus and Poseidon meet at a skyscraper, where Zeus reveals that his master lightning bolt is stolen and accuses Poseidon's demigod son Percy Jackson of the theft. Poseidon reminds him that Percy is unaware of his true identity, but Zeus declares that unless Percy returns the lightning bolt to Mount Olympus before the next summer solstice, war is waged. Percy is a seventeen-year-old teenager who appears to be dyslexic, but has a unique ability to stay underwater for aWeiterlesen

Plaint tales from the hills Rudyard Kipling ; edited with an introduction by Andrew Rutherford

Kipling, Rudyard

Plaint tales from the hills / Rudyard Kipling ; edited with an introduction by Andrew Rutherford

Oxford : Oxford University press, 1987

The world's classics [Oxford university press]

Bibliothek Standort Ausleihrichtlinie Verfügbarkeit
Brixen - Oberschulzentrum ital. SpracheScaffale aperto
823.8 KIPL
Prestabile 30 gg.Exemplar am Standort
Mystery tales Edgar Allan Poe ; edited with an introduction by Luciana Piré

Poe, Edgar Allan

Mystery tales / Edgar Allan Poe ; edited with an introduction by Luciana Piré

Firenze : Giunti, 2001

Giunti classics

Bibliothek Standort Ausleihrichtlinie Verfügbarkeit
Brixen - Oberschulzentrum ital. SpracheScaffale aperto
813.3 POE
Prestabile 30 gg.Exemplar am Standort
The memoirs of Sherlock Holmes Sir Arthur Conan Doyle ; edited with an introduction by Luciana Piré

Doyle, Arthur Conan

The memoirs of Sherlock Holmes / Sir Arthur Conan Doyle ; edited with an introduction by Luciana Piré

Firenze : Giunti, 2001

Giunti classics

Bibliothek Standort Ausleihrichtlinie Verfügbarkeit
Brixen - Oberschulzentrum ital. SpracheScaffale aperto
823.8 DOYL
Prestabile 30 gg.Exemplar am Standort
Bozen - Gymnasium E. TorricelliScaffale aperto
823.912 DOY
Prestabile 30 gg.Exemplar am Standort
Waiting for Godot Samuel Beckett

Beckett, Samuel

Waiting for Godot : a tragicomedy in two acts / Samuel Beckett

2. ed

London [etc.] : Faber and Faber, 1986

Bibliothek Standort Ausleihrichtlinie Verfügbarkeit
Brixen - Oberschulzentrum ital. SpracheScaffale aperto
842.914 BECK
Prestabile 30 gg.Exemplar am Standort
National minorities in Europe Christoph Pan, Beate Sibylle Pfeil

Pan, Christoph

National minorities in Europe : handbook / Christoph Pan, Beate Sibylle Pfeil

Wien : Braumüller, 2003

Ethnos ; 63

Bibliothek Standort Ausleihrichtlinie Verfügbarkeit
Bozen - Fachbibliothek StadtarchivMagazzino
Solo consultazioneExemplar am Standort
Bozen - Italienische Landesbibliothek Claudia AugustaMagazzino esterno
G 305.800 PAN
Prestabile 30 gg.Exemplar am Standort
Brixen - Oberschulzentrum ital. SpracheScaffale aperto
305.8 PAN - 2
Prestabile 30 gg.Exemplar am Standort
Bozen - Stadtbibliothek C. BattistiMagazzino
132 C 669
Prestabile 30 gg.Exemplar am Standort
Meran - Oberschulzentrum GandhiLiceo Classico Carducci
305.800 94 PAN
Prestabile 30 gg.Exemplar am Standort
Bozen - Oberschulzentrum G. Galilei Scaffale aperto
305.800 PAN
Prestabile 30 gg.Exemplar am Standort
Bozen - Oberschulzentrum C. de MediciScaffale aperto
305.800 94 PAN
Prestabile 30 gg.Exemplar am Standort
The shadow-line Joseph Conrad ; edited with an introduction by Luciana Pirè

Conrad, Joseph

The shadow-line / Joseph Conrad ; edited with an introduction by Luciana Pirè

Firenze : Giunti, 2001

Giunti Classics

Bibliothek Standort Ausleihrichtlinie Verfügbarkeit
Brixen - Oberschulzentrum ital. SpracheScaffale aperto
823.912 CONR
Prestabile 30 gg.Ausgeliehen bis 10-04-2024
Bozen - Schulzentrum MarcellineScaffale aperto
823.912 CON
Prestabile 30 gg.Exemplar am Standort

Abstract: La linea d'ombra è "quella che ci avverte di dover lasciare alle spalle le regioni della prima gioventù". Alle prime avvisaglie di giovinezza finita il protagonista di questo classico racconto di Conrad decide di lasciare il mare e i tropici. Ma nell'albergo dove attende la nave che lo rimpatrii (uno dei tipici alberghi conradiani dei Mari del Sud, abitati da relitti umani e avventurieri misteriosi) gli si presenta la grande occasione: un posto da capitano.. (