Biblioteca civica di Merano, Biblioteca di Sinigo

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Trovati 1830 documenti.

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Vulcano illustrato da Peter Dennis ; [testo di Nicholas Harris]

Vulcano / illustrato da Peter Dennis ; [testo di Nicholas Harris]

San Dorligo della Valle : EL, 2001

Viaggio nel tempo

Biblioteca Collocazione Prestabilità Stato
Merano - Biblioteca CivicaScaffale aperto
B-Sto 5.1
Prestabile 30 gg.Copia disponibile
Sinigo - BibliotecaMerano 2 Sinigo
B-Sto 5.1
Prestabile 30 gg.Copia disponibile
Bolzano - Scuola primaria A. TambosiScaffale aperto
Prestabile 30 gg.Copia disponibile
My little English Encyclopedia Margherita Giromini

Giromini, Margherita

My little English Encyclopedia / Margherita Giromini

Bussolengo : Demetra, 2000

Art deco Arnold Schwartzman

Schwartzman, Arnold

Art deco : the Twentieth Century's iconic decorative style, from Paris, London, and Brussels to New York, Sydney, and Santa Monica / Arnold Schwartzman

New York : Rizzoli international, 2019

Oxford Practice Grammar - Intermediate John Eastwood

Eastwood, John

Oxford Practice Grammar - Intermediate : with answers / John Eastwood

1. [Aufl.]

Oxford : Oxford University press, 2019

Oxford Practice Grammar

Gospel Oak Ep Sinead O'Connor

O'Connor, Sinead

Gospel Oak Ep [Audioregistrazione] / Sinead O'Connor


Strange Days The Doors


Strange Days [Audioregistrazione] / The Doors

S.l. : Elektra/Asylum Records, 1975

The Rising Bruce Springsteen, The E Street Band

Springsteen, Bruce

The Rising [Audioregistrazione] / Bruce Springsteen, The E Street Band

S.l. : Columbia, 2002

The Be-Bop Fathers Charlie Parker ; Dizzy Gillespie ; Thelonious Monk ; Bud Powell

The Be-Bop Fathers [Audioregistrazione] / Charlie Parker ; Dizzy Gillespie ; Thelonious Monk ; Bud Powell

S.l. : Hobby & Work, 1995

I grandi della musica jazz

The hunger games. Suzanne Collins

Collins, Suzanne

The hunger games.. book 1 / Suzanne Collins

London : Scholastic, 2009

Abstract: Sixteen-year-old Katniss Everdeen regards it as a death sentence when she is forced to represent her district in the annual Hunger Games, a fight to the death on live TV. But Katniss has been close to death before - and survival, for her, is second nature. "The Hunger Games" is a searing novel set in a future with unsettling parallels to our present. Welcome to the deadliest reality TV show ever.

Dick Wittington and his Cat

Dick Wittington and his Cat

Firenze : Giunti, 2007

Scuola d'inglese: storie per bambini di 6/8 anni

Caraval Stephanie Garber

Garber, Stephanie

Caraval / Stephanie Garber

New York : Flatiron Books, 2017

Abstract: Scarlett has never left the tiny isle of Trisda, pining from afar for the wonder of Caraval, a once-a-year week-long performance where the audience participates in the show. Caraval is Magic. Mystery. Adventure. And for Scarlett and her beloved sister Tella it represents freedom and an escape from their ruthless, abusive father. When the sisters' long-awaited invitations to Caraval finally arrive, it seems their dreams have come true. But no sooner have they arrived thanLeggi tutto

All the light we cannot see Anthony Doerr

Doerr, Anthony

All the light we cannot see : a novel / Anthony Doerr

London : Fourth estate, 2015

Abstract: For Marie-Laure, blind since the age of six, the world is full of mazes. The miniature of a Paris neighbourhood, made by her father to teach her the way home. The microscopic layers within the invaluable diamond that her father guards in the Museum of Natural History. The walled city by the sea, where father and daughter take refuge when the Nazis invade Paris. And a future which draws her ever closer to Werner, a German orphan, destined to labour in the mines until aLeggi tutto

Papà è connesso Philippe de Kemmeter

De Kemmeter, Philippe

Papà è connesso / Philippe de Kemmeter

San Dorligo della Valle : EL, c2016

Abstract: Se per caso incontrate un pinguino con un computer, niente paura: è il mio papà. Diciamo che ho un papà virtuale. (

Greatest Hits Björk


Greatest Hits [Audioregistrazione] / Björk

London : Wellhart : One Little Indian, 2002

Tales from New York Paul Simon ; Art Garfunkel

Simon, Paul

Tales from New York [Audioregistrazione] : the very best of Simon & Garfunkel / Paul Simon ; Art Garfunkel

S.l. : Sony Music Entertainment ; S.l. : Columbia, c1999

Familien-Reiseführer Südengland mit London Autorin: Kirsten Wagner

Familien-Reiseführer Südengland mit London / Autorin: Kirsten Wagner

Hamburg : Companions, 2015

Abstract: Wer mit Kindern Urlaub macht, muss nicht wissen, welcher Nachtclub, welches Designhotel oder welcher Shoppingtempel am angesagtesten ist. Deshalb helfen viele Reiseführer Familien nicht unbedingt weiter. Dieser ist anders; er wurde konsequent aus der Familienperspektive geschrieben. Bei allen Tipps und Empfehlungen wurde darauf geachtet, dass sie tatsächlich für Kinder und Eltern geeignet sind: Denn was nützt es Ihnen, wenn es beispielsweise in einem Restaurant besondersLeggi tutto

The new book Elisa Pellacani

Pellacani, Elisa

The new book : artists book innovation = Il nuovo libro : innovazione del libro d'artista = El nuevo libro : el libro de artista es innovación = Le livre nouveau : innovation diu livre d'artiste / Elisa Pellacani

Reggio Emilia : Consulta Librieprogetti, 2012

Ex libris [Consulta Librieprogetti] - Segni & parole [Consulta Librieprogetti]

Abstract: Dopo i manuali-catalogo con cui ha accompagnato quattro edizioni del Festival del libro d'artista e del piccolo editore di Barcellona, Elisa Pellacani propone opere selezionate della manifestazione catalana ed effettua un'analisi puntuale e avvincente dell'apporto innovativo del libro d'artista al processo di sviluppo della cultura e dell'arte. (

The antidote Morcheeba ; produced and arranged by The Godfrey Brothers

Morcheeba <gruppo musicale>

The antidote [Audioregistrazione] / Morcheeba ; produced and arranged by The Godfrey Brothers

Gran Bretagna : Chrisalis Music : G+G Records : The Echo label, 2005

Finders keepers Stephen King

King, Stephen <1947- >

Finders keepers : a novel / Stephen King

New York [u.a.] : Pocket Books, 2015

Abstract: 1978: Morris Bellamy is a reader so obsessed by America's iconic author John Rothstein that he is prepared to kill for a trove of notebooks containing at least one more unpublished novel. 2009: Pete Saubers, a boy whose father was brutally injured by a stolen Mercedes, discovers a buried trunk containing cash and Rothstein's notebooks. 2014: After thirty-five years in prison, Morris is up for parole. And he's hell-bent on recovering his treasure. Now it's up to retiredLeggi tutto

25 Adele


25 [Audioregistrazione] / Adele

Gran Bretagna : XL Recordings, 2015